Career Updates
Internship Insight and the Crusader Internship Fund (CIF)
HC Launch Edition XIV
HC Launch is gearing up for a truly exciting year this year, “We have a lot of exciting things going on this year, we have a really strong membership, it’ll be cool to see how many students we can get into the entrepreneurial ecosystem in and around Worcester” said club Co-President TJ Haigh.
The Center for Career Development (CCD) supports all Holy Cross students through every stage of the career development journey. We can help you identify and clarify your career objectives, put you in touch with career counselors, alumni and other professionals who can help you explore careers, and equip you to drive an effective internship / job search to land the role that is right for you!
Is an MBA Worth it? Edition XII
The pursuit of a Master of Business Administration (MBA) has long been considered a pathway to career advancement, increased earning potential, and expanded professional networks. However, with rising tuition costs and the evolving landscape of the job market, many undergraduate students find themselves grappling with the question: Is an MBA worth it?
Making the Most of Your Summer Role
Edition X
Regardless of whether or not you have plans to return to your summer job, start an internship, or conduct summer research, there are ways that you can make the most of your summer.
When I arrived at the College of the Holy Cross, like most freshmen, I was uncertain about my career path and major. How do you choose something you will do for the foreseeable future when you are interested in everything? Business was the one career trajectory I had zero interest in pursuing.
But Why Do You Want to Work in Finance
Edition IX
When students tell me they want to work in finance, I usually ask, “Why?”
The answers vary from “I love working under pressure and I am good with numbers” to “My sister works in finance” and “I have no idea, but I know I need an internship.”
Getting a job… well it starts early. Long story short, it took me from freshman year all the way until the summer before my senior year to fully realize what (I think) I want to do.
Social entrepreneur collaborates with Will Sampson ’24 to implement hydro and solar at a scenic manufacturing center in southern NH
Ted Pidcock made his first T-shirt sale as a student on Caro Street in 1987. Today, the Founder and President of Chillybears...
Edition VIII
Case interviews can be very intimidating. This guide can help you prepare for the many types of case interviews! When in doubt, schedule an appointment with Becky McCain in the Center for Career Development via Handshake. This article outlines general strategies and tips.
Demystifying Cover Letters: Tips and Tricks on How to Craft a Great Cover Letter
Edition VII
By: Shannon Antonio '23, Peer Career Assistant, Center for Career Development
One of the most challenging parts of the job application process is writing an effective cover letter.
As a Peer Career Assistant (PCA) at the Center for Career Development (CCD), many students have shared with me that they are often scared to apply to jobs that require a cover letter. In...
CB: Describe your experience as a Holy Cross student, majoring in economics and psychology, pursuing a Certificate in Business Fundamentals.
MM: I decided to do the Business Fundamentals Certificate freshman year before I had even declared a major. I knew I wanted to do something in business...
10 Ways to Make your Application Stand Out for Any Role in Financial Services
Edition VI
By: Becky McCain, Assistant Director, Center for Career Development
Start EARLY:
If you are interested in careers involving the investment, lending, and management of money and assets, you need to start the process very early. This is an incredibly competitive industry that begins recruiting for summer analyst roles during the...
Want to have a day on campus where you can 1) enhance your professional career and 2) enjoy fun recreational activities afterwards? Saturday, November 19, 2022, is the perfect day for that! I am a current senior here at HC and we are excited to invite all the ladies to the 17th Annual Women in Business Conference. For those who don’t know, it is a great opportunity to network with successful alumnae and learn about different business career paths...
Business Certificate Graduates
Edition V
By: Prof. David Chu, Cassie Gevry, Prof. Ja-Naé Duane & Kathy Kinnarney
Congratulations! After years of workshops, tutorials, internships, coursework, and job shadowing experiences, we are proud to name you as a graduate of the Ciocca Center for Business, Ethics, and Society at the College of the Holy Cross...
As we are a few weeks away from the end of the school year, summer is approaching fast. Some students may have secured internships, you may have a summer job, or will be volunteering. No matter what you will be spending your summer doing, there are many ways for you to help explore your career interests...
Edition IV
By: Phil Pascucci ‘22
If you are a current sophomore, now is the best time to explore finance and begin your educational and professional journey. Finance internships tend to recruit far earlier than others; in fact, many internships are currently open and will close during the summer and fall for next summer...
Caroline Quinn ’22 is a senior at Holy Cross majoring in International Studies, minoring in Art History, and pursuing the Certificate in Business Fundamentals. She is also co-chair of the Women in Business club. Last summer she spent ten weeks interning remotely at PepsiCo as a National Commercial Sales Strategist...
By: Mackenzie Madden '22
Before heading back to the Hill, 187 motivated students participated in five concurrent virtual business workshops. The week of January 18-22 was led by 70 experienced alumni presenters and mentors across a variety of areas and disciplines...
Edition III
By: Pam Ahearn, Manager Employer Partnerships
For those of you hoping to pursue a career in Financial Services i.e. careers involving the investment, lending, and management of money and assets, it’s important for you to start the process EARLY...
Edition II
By: Julie Pereira-Gomes '23
When someone hears the word, “networking,” anxiety is often the fi rst thing they feel. However, networking does not have to be intimidating. Networking is all about developing relationships with those whose jobs or company interest you...
Edition I
By: Julie Draczynski '99, Director Employer Engagement
The Center for Career Development (CCD) supports all Holy Cross students through every stage of your career development journey. We can help you identify and clarify your career objectives, put you in touch with advisors, alumni and other professionals who can help you explore career options and equip you to drive an effective internship / job search to land the role that is right for you!